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Writer's pictureShapel LaBorde

How I Healed My Hormonal Acne In Less Than 3 Weeks!

Updated: Jan 22, 2021

People often state to me with disdain(lol) , "Shapel you never have any issues with your skin!" This is simply NOT true! I do get many common issues with my skin but I always approach these issues holistically. What does that mean Shapel? Does it mean you Sage your skin? You bathe in the waters of Aphrodite? You recite chants when the moon is Orange? Well not exactly but MAYBE I do! LOL. Okay but seriously.

I decided to merge my careers as educator and wellness/skincare specialist. In doing this, my brand is all about holistic wellness. Holistic skincare is a traditional and indigenous practice of realizing that everything is interconnected. I treat the skin in a "whole "way. When you book your appointment you will have a file and folder containing information about you and your wellness profile. I want to go beyond the external symptoms and understand the root cause of skin imbalances which is more than the products you use. Because guess what? Your skin is an organ.

The skin is the body's largest organ. It is the one thing that covers you completely. It is your first protection in this world, keeping you safe against infection, injury, light and heat. The integumentary system is the greater system that the skin is a part of.

So it is no surprise to me that when I experienced a pretty ugly breakout, I just knew and manifested my skin back to a healthy state. This is what I want to do for as many people as possible! Through services and education, I believe community wellness will liberate us into the future.

I have two careers, and this is not a big brag but a fact. During the day I am a licensed TESOL teacher in an elementary school, I work from home presently because of health reasons and I am a caretaker for my 97 year old great grandmother in addition to taking care of my almost 2 year old daughter. (Now y'all pray for me!) I will be fully transparent. My first job is a blessing but is very stressful for a plethora of reasons. I truly have to learn to do my best and tune out any and all for their negative draining energies and how they manifest. For I need to remind myself I am blessed, highly favored and protected.

But I am human and I do get stress. Because no amount of sage and tea is going to outweigh the fact that if I don't create a boundary and rest I will burn out. So here is where I give thanks to my skin for signaling to me: Shapel sit your tail down.

So I did. I looked at my skin and I had pustules all up and down my neck and chin. It was itchy and burning. I was not drinking enough water. Literally pumping coffee to get me through the day and trying to fake act like I was in balance. I was so tired of the games being played and I desperately needed a break. I knew I was still a little bit a ways from my break but it was so close. So what did I do? A few things, I did wash my hair and I let it soak. I wanted to make sure I lifted whatever products were in my hair out so that I do not further damage my skin.

I increased my water intake. This is always going to be the #1 part of any health program. Again, I did not cut my coffee but I did slow down and made sure to increase my H2O. Now here is where my Esthetics and Wellness practitioner come into play. I steamed my skin and applied a creamy, gentle cleanser and then used a gentle toner. Both products were botanical and living. This cleanser and toner duo is the standard product I use in my facial services. I decided to make a power facial and applied an enzyme with lactic acid.

Now for some BIG TEXT....


I left the application on my skin for about 10 minutes and then I removed. I let air dry and applied my Blyssombyshapel Detox Nightwear Cream which is a rich moisturizer that works to keep the skin balanced and uses floral extracts to calm and soothe the skin from any inflammation. The next day I cleansed with as normal and toned. I also used my Blyssombyshapel Pro Repair Serum. I also made sure to practice mindfulness and deep breathing so that I can ensure my blood circulation is working properly and lymph and toxins are moving and being disposed of properly. A couple of days later I did a light facial massage and cleansed my skin. As the days passed, I noticed the inflammation and pustules were disappearing steadily.

I love practicing as much authenticity and transparency, this is why I have shared this with you all today:) Happy healing and wellness.

Check out my progress video and slideshow with up close photos below!

Book a holistic facial today here!

I hope to see you soon:)


-Blyssom by Shapel

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