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Writer's pictureShapel LaBorde

#BlyssomEsTea Chemical Peels 101

Tis the season! For fresh, new and healthy a mater of weeks. I know you heard of chemical peels and it sounds really scary. But I am here today to tell you do not be afraid but rather embrace all the glory that is a chemical peel.

So lets get down to business...Chemical exfoliation or more commonly called chemical peels is simply a way to remove dead layers of the skin. I said it was simply and basic right!

How long does it take to see new results in skin?

Really quickly we will discuss a key term, cell renewal factor (CRF) which is the rate of cell mitosis and migration from the dermis to the top of the epidermis. As we get older this process slows down dramatically. We want to keep cell mitosis going in order to preserve the skin and its health. The average CRF for adults is 28-42 days.

There are many different factors that influence the cell renewal factor such as your natural environment, genetics, personal care, lifestyle, medical history, your exfoliation methods and etc.

What kind of peels are there?

There are light peels and deep peels. Deep peels will contain phenol, trichloroacetic acid (TCA),resorcinol, glycolic acid and Jessner's peel. Light peels make use of glycolic acid, lactic acid, and enzyme peels. Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) and Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs) are common acids used when administering chemical exfoliation. They are effective and must be used with the utmost care. Acids are used in various percentages of strength to dissolve the bonding glue better known as the desmosomes between the cells to kill skin cells fresh and exfoliated. Things we want! New baby skin essentially :)

Girl, what are the benefits of a chemical peel?

There are many benefits of chemical peels and chemical exfoliation. You will have improved texture of the skin, barrier functions and moisture retention. You will notice more hydrated skin due to increased CRF. You will have reduced fine lines, wrinkles and surface pigmentation. If you suffer from acne, hyper pigmentation, congested pores and dry skin peels are an excellent way to heal and revitalize the skin. You will also have stimulate elastin and collagen production.

What are the contraindications?

You might want to consider speaking directly in depth with your Esthetician if you have recently underwent a cosmetic surgery, laser resurfacing, chemical peels, dermabrasion.

  • Recent injectables, fillers, Botox

  • Use of Retin-A or other medications that exfoliate the skin

  • Allergies or sensitivities to products or ingredients

  • Pregnancy

  • Herpes simplex

  • Hyperpigmentation tendencies

  • Inflamed rosacea or acne

  • Infectious disease

  • Open sores or suspicious lesions

  • Sunburn or irritated skin

  • Photosensitizing medications (makes skin very sensitive to the sun)

  • Other contraindicated drugs or medication

How much time will I have to invest?

So this is the question I like to provide the most clarity for. You should not get a chemical peel as a one time thing Chemical peels are meant to be administered in a series. Treatments can be scheduled in a series of four to eight sessions, one time per week for 4- 8 weeks. We will not go more than 8 weeks in a row no matter how severe the case is. Your skin is still delicate and there are limits. It is best recommended that you receive a series of treatment as the seasons change or every 3 to 4 months to maintain the cellular mitosis.

What is my post-chemical exfoliation home care?

As always the first priority is avoiding the sun and any additional exfoliation. Depending on your treatment your esthetician ( Me :) ) will discuss your customized at home-care. Please remember to drink a lot of water and eat hydrating foods. It is best advised to limit and preferably cut out caffeine, processed sugars and fried foods. Remember you will receive an in depth home care protocol to follow to ensure the success of your desired results.

What kinds of peels do you offer at Blyssom?

I thought you would never ask. I am just joking I knew you would ask if you got this far and I am just making sure you are still awake and as excited as I am! Blyssom offers a variety of quality peels. We offer the CVSRT (Christine Valmy Skin Renewal Treatment), 20 % Lactic Lightening Peel, 30% Glycolic Peel and 10% TCA Depigmentation Peel. Shapel, Licensed Esthetician has been thoroughly trained and completed extensive seminars in order to administer these peels.

Can you explain each peel?

The CVSRT (Christine Valmy Skin Renewal Treatment) is a unique salon facial treatment that helps to rejuvenate the skin with great improvement in the skins elasticity. It is a medium depth peel and is the most serious peel out of the four peels offered. Clients can expect to peel and shed skin 7-10 days. Imperfections such as superficial lines, "crow's feet" around the eyes, superficial acne scars and open pores are minimized with this treatment. The 20 % Lactic Lightening Peel contains lactic acid which is great for hydrating and exfoliating the skin in a gentle manner. This is great for hyperpigmented, normal, dry or sun damaged skin. This is a great peel for first time clients as it is very gentle. The 30 % Glycolic Peel is excellent for cell renewal and dissolves the desmosomes that hold the skin together. Remember the "glue" that bonds the skin? Well this peel lets the skin receive its proper and efficient exfoliation. This peel is excellent for normal, oily, acenic or dry skin. The 10% TCA Depigmentation Peel is an effective pee; that delivers lighteners without traumatizing the skin. This peel is great for evening the skin tone, reducing acne and retexturizing the skin. This peel requires an 8- week protocol that will ensure success and revitalized skin.

This sounds like a lot of money...I don't think I can commit...Are there alternatives or discounts because I mean why does it have to cost that much?

One thing about Blyssom is we are cultivated and based in experience. The other thing is we seek to be accessible and affordable to our primary targets, Black women, girls and femmes. And then everyone else. So yes as a Queer Black Christian Radical feminist woman, I get it. It will seem like a lot but please reconsider. I have cut cost dramatically in order to make sure people who look like me and may share a similar background can increase wellness in their lives. I seek to shift the narrative of privilege and luxury and necessitate that wellness and luxury are mandates not options. This is why my prices are cut but the service is not. I have carefully calculated price points that will ensure quality products and service. I will not lie to you. It is a business. But much more than that it is one of my life's works. We are the aesthetic and self-care is a right for us. I have studied and excelled in school and remain a committed and authentic lifelong learner. On some occasion there are discounts on some services but this is not common. We do offer subscription plan packs and loyalty programs. Before you doubt yourself and define esthetics and wellness as an extra and option I invite you to consider your joy and pleasure. Consider your skin's health and preventive care and maintenance of the largest and external organ that shields you and filters things every single second. Consider investing in yourself while empowering self and a Black woman. Consider peace and a new aura. Consider at least a conversation. Together we can make mountains of solutions and choose a road to travel that is best for you!

Please e-mail or visit the Bookings tab on this website. We are also on Instagram at and Facebook

Sources: Milady Standard Esthetics

Skin Script Training and Reference Manual

The Christine Valmy Skin Renewal Treatment

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