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Peace and Blessings

This is shamelessly all about Me.

But wait it gets better. It is about me intimately. The real. The good, bad, ugly and beautiful. I decided after many attempts to create a central space to share with people. Share parts of myself that others may use for inspiration or even caution. Nevertheless, it is a journey.

So who is she: In short...

Teacher.Herbalist. Doula.Meditater. Energy Facilitator. Activist. Sister. Daughter. Student. Plant Whisperer. Foodie. Follower of Christ. Doer. 

Shapel is a woman of many talents and dreams. A true creative, she works to infuse creativity with health and wellness. From a little girl, Shapel always found herself drawn to both justice and nurturing. Her philosophy is quite simple: People deserve to be and live out their best selves. Despite of socio-economic backgrounds, race, gender/sex and other factors, people have the right to good.

I am still the little child spiritually that believes that dreams are unlimited and fluid. Although I have been through many experiences that were not the most favorable, I used every experience for the continuous transformation of myself. I am a constant work in progress. A person full of contradictions, passions, love, and a whole lot of too much

I am involved in many efforts to raise the quality of living for myself and community. I am 100% committed to the idea of bettering and learning. As a teacher and lover of philosophy, I truly stand by the idea that authenticity, love and respectful relationships will lead to liberation. 

This space is interactive. This space is intolerant of misogynoir, homophobia, transphobia, racism. sexism and any and all oppressions of people. So check your privilege at the hyperlink. 

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